The Village of Pleasant Prairie formally requested recognition as a cooperating agency in the casino plans associated with the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin's proposal to place land in Trust for gaming purposes within Kenosha County, Wisconsin. While not opposed to the casino project and land Trust, the Village raised concerns and requested additional considerations for the casino's impact on the Village of Pleasant Prairie and other neighboring communities.
The Menominee Indian Tribe has established Intergovernmental Agreements with the City of Kenosha and Kenosha County; however, there have yet to be any discussions with the Village of Pleasant Prairie or other surrounding communities to address the potential negative impacts of the proposed project. As a cooperating agency, the Village of Pleasant Prairie respectfully requests the Bureau of Indian Affairs to withhold further approvals until an Intergovernmental Agreement can be reached between the Tribe and the Village to collaboratively address the impacts of the land Trust on the surrounding area.
The request is prompted by concerns that the Tribe's project may harm the Village of Pleasant Prairie and neighboring communities. On December 11, 2023, the Village of Pleasant Prairie Board of Trustees adopted Resolution 23-39, expressing concerns and formally opposing the Trust request due to the absence of discussions with the Village and the lack of efforts to create an Intergovernmental Agreement. The resolution encompasses various concerns, including potential environmental, social, and economic impacts such as increased runoff affecting residents and water utilities, elevated public safety calls, heightened traffic, potential strain or required enhancements to public infrastructure, inequitable funding for schools, harm to economic redevelopment, and potential adverse social costs to the community.
The Village emphasizes the importance of actively participating in this decision-making process and welcomes future engagement from the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin to reach an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Tribe and the Village before placing the land in Trust. This will ensure a collaborative and mutually beneficial outcome for the parties involved, including any concerns surrounding the casino's impact on the Village of Pleasant Prairie and other neighboring communities.