Sewer and Water Utilities


The Village of Pleasant Prairie Utility Department oversees Pleasant Prairie's water and wastewater operations.

Pleasant Prairie's water source is surface water from Lake Michigan. All water is purchased from the Kenosha Water Utility, which is drawn through the largest micro-filtration plant in the world. Water is then pumped to our Sheridan Road booster station and reservoir where it is again pumped to a second booster station and four towers located throughout the Village with a combined capacity of more than 12,000,000 gallons available to homes, businesses, and industry through almost 100 miles of water distribution mains.

In addition to source testing at Kenosha Water Utility's plant, Pleasant Prairie's water distribution system is tested eight times per month. Towers and reservoirs are inspected routinely and pumping stations daily. The Village of Pleasant Prairie participates in yearly lab certification and bi-annual lab evaluation. The Utility does many other programs such as testing for lead and copper in the water for homes built before 1983. The Village of Pleasant Prairie Fire & Rescue Department flushes all distribution mains and checks all of Pleasant Prairie's fire hydrants.

Since September 11, 2001, there has been a far greater focus on the safety of everyone's water systems. Fencing, intrusion alarms, and lockouts are among just a few safeguards that have been added to Pleasant Prairie's water system. A vulnerability assessment was completed June 2004 which is Federally mandated.

We at the Village of Pleasant Prairie strive to provide an uninterrupted, safe, clean water supply for consumption and fire protection at a reasonable price now and for the future, 24/7.

Source Water Assessment PDF

Throughout the wastewater system, there are 17 lift stations that direct wastewater from lower-lying areas to points where it can then gravitate through more than 110 miles of distribution mains currently to wastewater treatment plants.

In order to operate wastewater treatment plants and discharge treated water into lakes and streams, the Village of Pleasant Prairie Utility is required every five years by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to have a discharge permit and monthly discharge monitoring report; an annual sludge report; a lab evaluation every three years; a yearly lab certification, and a compliance maintenance annual report, "CMAR". In addition, the Village of Pleasant Prairie Utility crews are required to clean all distribution lines every three years. The utility crews have routine schedules for ground water infiltration to the wastewater system by visually inspecting manholes for leakage and video taping main lines and appurtenances for leaks and repairing them where necessary. Along with that, the Utility has aggressively sought out illegal discharge into the wastewater system.

The Village of Pleasant Prairie is proud of its record of the wastewater system, and in providing a reliable and safe sanitary sewer system for the community.

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