Pleasant Prairie Parks Department is looking for people interested in dedicating a memorial bench.

Memorial benches will be installed at Pleasant Prairie Park, Ingram Park or Prairie Springs Park. If you would like to participate in the placement of your memorial bench, please call Pleasant Prairie Parks Department at 262.925.6700 for an appointment.
Benches can be personalized with router engraving @$5.00/letter. We strongly recommend messages that are simple and tasteful such as:
- In Honor of …
- Dedicated to …
- In Memory of …
If you prefer a more personalized message, you may submit your request to the Parks Department for approval.
Please fill out and return the form along with payment in full of $500.00 for bench plus $5.00 per letter for engraving to the:
Village of Pleasant Prairie
Memorial Bench Program
8600 Green Bay Road
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158.
Memorial Bench Order Form
If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call, 262.925.6700.