Village staff requests your help to report non-working street lights in residential neighborhoods. A street light is considered non-working when it is flickering continually, not lighting in the dark, or if the light is on during daylight hours.
Determining Who to Contact
Because some street lights in the Village are maintained by We Energies and some are maintained by Village staff, the first step is determining who to contact for repair. The Village maintains most street lights in residential neighborhoods. Village street lights should have a numbered sticker affixed to the base of the light pole displaying the words Village of Pleasant Prairie.
We Energies street lights have a numbered metal tag on their pole.
Report a Non-Working Street Light
To notify the Village when a street light needs repair, please contact us at
[email protected] or at
262.925.6700. If you’re unsure if a non-working light is a Village street light, you can also contact us. Staff will refer to a street light map and notify the appropriate repair personnel. When you call, we will need to know the intersection or the address of the home nearest the light pole. If visible on the sticker, the pole number is useful as well. To notify
We Energies when a street light needs repair, you can reach them at
800-662-4797 or at
www.we-energies.com by clicking “Report a streetlight out” at the bottom of the page.