The Village of Pleasant Prairie will collect loose, unbagged leaves from the curbside or roadside of each residential unit in the spring and fall provided the following procedures are followed:
• Leaves must be within six feet of the road.
• Leaves should not be placed around obstacles
such as mailbox posts, sign posts, light poles,
vehicles, etc.
• Residents with a ditch line – leaves should be placed
on the grass along the roadside of the ditch, but in
no event shall they extend into the water flow line
of ditch.
• Residents with curbs and gutters – leaves should be
placed on the grass by your curb. To prevent
street flooding, do not place leaves on top of
catch basins.
• ONLY loose leaves will be collected and should be at
your curb or roadside by 6:00 a.m. on your
collection dates.
• Keep leaves off the asphalt.
• Leaves in bags or containers WILL NOT be collected.
• DO NOT mix tree branches, bricks, lawn clippings or
other debris with leaves. These materials can clog
or cause damage to the leaf collection vacuum that
is very costly and time consuming to repair. Crews
will stop leaf collection when a pile is contaminated
with such items.
• Identify your collection zone on the map at the
right. Then see the schedule to determine your
collection dates.
Please keep in mind that though collection staff abides
by the schedule, there are certain circumstances that
may delay leaf collection by one or more days. These
circumstances include: delays due to weather, emergency situations that may draw staff away from their regular duties, or damage to collection equipment that would require repair or unscheduled service.
If you miss your scheduled collection days, leaves may also be taken to the Residential Recycling Center at 8000 128th Street. The center will be open for on-season hours through the last we
ekend of November, weather permitting. The Residential Recycling Center will remain open on Saturdays between 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. throughout the off-season (December through March). If you have additional questions, please call Public Works 262.925.6700.