Pleasant Prairie's trails are accessible for persons and families of all sizes and ages.
The video above highlights the most popular bike and walking trail loop (map to the right side of the screen) in Pleasant Prairie.
For a PDF of the map,
click here.
Bicycling and walking are inexpensive, non-polluting forms of transportation and recreation that are accessible to

nearly everyone. Children, many elderly and those without access to motor vehicles can rely on cycling and walking as an autonomous form of transportation. Other residents may rely on cycling for transportation due to its low cost, sustainability, or simply the joy of being on a bike. In addition to transportation, residents of all ages and abilities commonly participate in cycling, walking and running activities as a form of recreation and exercise.
For cycling and walking to be viable forms of transportation and recreation, there must be facilities that allow residents to safely and comfortably participate in these activities and reach their destinations. The Village of Pleasant Prairie recognizes the importance of providing these options for its citizens. Focused on bicycling and walking, the 2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Plan demonstrates the Village’s commitment to providing facilities for walking and cycling. Based on current development as well as future development outlined in the 2035 Village of Pleasant Prairie Comprehensive Plan, this plan proposes a ten-fold increase in facilities designated for bicycle and pedestrian use. The plan also details encouragement, education, enforcement and evaluation programs and recommendations to boost bicycle ridership and walking within the Village.
Village of Pleasant Prairie 2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Plan
The primary goal of this plan is to:
Establish and maintain a safe, comprehensive and integrated bicycle and pedestrian trail network that encourages the use of bicycles and walking for commuting, recreation and other trips.
By proactively planning for bicycle and pedestrian facilities and programs and policies that encourage cycling and walking, Pleasant Prairie is demonstrating a commitment to offering Village residents and visitors accessible, environmentally friendly and inexpensive transportation and recreation options.