On February 20, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission approved Site and Operational Plans to construct a new Fred Astaire Dance Studio in the Prairie Ridge commercial area. The dance studio will occupy a 5,000-square-foot space at 7723 91st Avenue on Lot 1 of the Certified Survey Map 3032 that the Village Board approved on November 28, 2022. The new standalone studio will instruct various dance types for ages four and up, including Rhythm, Smooth, and Country Western.
The Fred Astaire Dance Studio owners, Anna Krasnoshopka and Mykyta Serdyuk, are thrilled to bring the new facility to the community. They have operated a successful dance studio in the Pleasant Prairie area for five years. The owners stated, "From wedding dance instruction, a new hobby or way to connect with your partner, improving your social life, physical and emotional health, or taking your dance skills to the next level, dancing with Fred Astaire Dance Studios will result in faster learning, higher levels of achievement and lots of smiles."
Construction Management Associates (CMA Inc.) is managing the project, and OC3 Architecture LLC is providing the architect and building design services. Construction on the project is slated to begin in the Spring of 2023 and be completed in 2024. Aaron Stanton, Project Manager for CMA Inc., said, "We are very excited to achieve Plan Commission approval on behalf of Anna and Mykyta. They operate an outstanding business and provide a fantastic service for the community. This location and facility were well thought out and will support the services they provide for years to come.”
The studio anticipates having six full-time and six part-time employees and plans to be open Monday through Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and on weekends by special appointment. The project will provide 53 on-site parking spaces, including three handicapped-accessible ones. Additionally, a primary monument sign will be installed at the driveway entrance on 91st Avenue, limited to a height of six feet and a maximum display area of 40 square feet. Finally, the building development will include a Digital Security Imaging System (DSIS) with a coverage plan that meets the Village's camera specifications, per Chapter 410 of the Village Municipal Code.
"We are delighted to see this development move forward," said Jean Werbie-Harris, Village of Pleasant Prairie Community Development Director. "The new Fred Astaire Dance Studio will attract visitors to the area and provide a new space for the community to engage in various dance styles."