Kenosha County Household Hazardous Waste Collection will occur at the Kenosha County Center (19600 75th Street) from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 20. Everyone who lives in Kenosha County can dispose of their household hazardous waste at this event. Kenosha County will also accept electronic waste (e-waste) and refrigerant waste (items containing freon).
Household hazardous waste items include:
Household cleaners, aerosol cans, bug sprays, vehicle maintenance-related fluids, oil-based paints, paint removal products, fluorescent bulbs, pool chemicals, and garden/outdoor related products.
Accepted e-waste items include: Computers, laptops, fax machines, keyboards, mice, stereos, scanners, iPods, TVs, VCRs, DVD, CD and MP3 players, printers, phones, copiers, power tools, toner cartridges, electronic toys, hairdryers, and vacuums.
Refrigerant waste items include: Refrigerators, water coolers, freezers, air conditioners, water heaters, dehumidifiers, microwaves, and other household appliances.
The following items will NOT be accepted: Latex paint, tires, infectious or biological waste, propane cylinders, explosives, radioactive waste, medical and pharmaceutical waste, and commercial or business waste.
This is the only countywide household hazardous waste collection date scheduled for 2023. There is no fee for collecting any hazardous waste or e-waste material. For more information regarding household hazardous waste, e-waste, and refrigerant waste collection day, please visit Kenosha County’s website at KenoshaCounty.org or contact the Extension Kenosha County Office at 262-857-1945.