During the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission meeting on May 15, members approved the Cedar Ridge Conceptual Plan. The development, proposed by JWC Investments LLC, aims to transform approximately 40 acres of land located west of 47th Avenue at 113th Street. The project will introduce 75 residential lots and open spaces to develop a new subdivision.
The Cedar Ridge Conceptual Plan will incorporate 75 single-family lots that range from 13,600 square feet to 22,562 square feet, with an average lot size of 15,438 square feet. Approximately 5.6 acres of the subdivision will be preserved as open space within three Outlots. The development is proposed to be constructed in three phases, with phase one developing 27 lots by 2024, phase two developing 26 lots by 2026, and phase three developing 22 lots by 2028.
Cedar Ridge plans to develop quality homes with established guidelines to prioritize high-quality construction standards. The approval process for homes will prioritize architectural variation, where houses with similar appearances will not be in close proximity. Construction materials, architecture, and color schemes will all be considered to ensure a visually appealing and varied streetscape. Ranch-style homes will have a minimum size requirement of 1,700 square feet, while multi-story homes will have a minimum size requirement of 2,100 square feet. Exterior walls will consist of brick, stone, wood, cement board, or vinyl siding, with vinyl siding only permitted when combined with other natural materials. Additionally, sheds may be approved if they are under 150 square feet, architecturally consistent with the home materials, and built on a concrete foundation. Home and lot packages are anticipated to range from $600,000 to $900,000, averaging around $750,000.
Students residing in the Cedar Ridge Subdivision will attend Prairie Lane Elementary School, Lance Middle School, and Tremper High School. Kenosha Unified School District has confirmed that all schools can accommodate the development and school enrollments with the projected capacity. Additionally, the Conceptual Plan for Cedar Ridge incorporates pedestrian-friendly features. Sidewalks will be installed on all public roadways within the subdivision to foster safe and convenient travel for residents and pedestrians in the area. A 10-foot wide shared-use path will be constructed within Outlot 1, adjacent to 47th Avenue. The pathway will connect the public sidewalks on the south side of 113th Street to Sorensen Woods, a Village special-use Neighborhood Park.