At the Pleasant Prairie Village Board meeting on March 27, the Board awarded contracts for the 2023 Paving Program to Payne & Dolan Inc. and LaLonde Contractors Inc. Payne & Dolan Inc. was awarded the contract for the road improvement projects with a bid of $2,178,006, while LaLonde Contractors Inc. won the contract for the Utility Adjustments and Curb Repair project with a bid of $311,227.
"The Village received several competitive bids for these projects and awarded contracts based on capabilities, work history, and bid amount,” said Tom Hupp, Public Works Director. “We are confident that Payne & Dolan and LaLonde Contractors have the expertise and experience necessary to complete these improvements to the Village’s quality standards."
The 2023 Paving Program will include several improvement projects throughout Pleasant Prairie. These projects will involve:
- Pulverizing pavement and relaying in Terra Heights
- Implementing a two-inch overlay along 63rd Avenue
- Pulverizing and resurfacing pavement along 83rd Place
- Pulverizing and resurfacing pavement in areas of Carol Beach
- Pulverizing and resurfacing pavement in a section of 91st Street
- Pulverizing and resurfacing pavement on 22nd Avenue
- Updating pavement markings along Springbrook Road
- Milling and resurfacing pavement in Wispark
- Reconstructing driveways at the Ladish Water Tower
The 2023 Paving Program Utility Adjustments and Curb Repair project will include 22 curb inlet adjustments, 44 maintenance hole chimneys to grade adjustments, removing and replacing 1,800 linear feet of curb and gutter in three areas of WisPark, and traffic controls. By awarding these contracts, the Village continues its commitment to promoting improvements and preserving infrastructure investments in Pleasant Prairie.