The Village of Pleasant Prairie and Village Administrator Nathan Thiel have agreed to a mutually acceptable separation. An executive session was held on April 27 to consider approval of the Mutual Separation Agreement, which the Village Board accepted and released Nathan Thiel effective April 30, 2022.
During an April 25 meeting, the Village Board named an Interim Village Administrator to manage Village operations while the Village conducts a nationwide search for the next Village Administrator. The current Finance Director at Village of Pleasant Prairie, Kathy Goessl, was selected as Interim Administrator.
Goessl is an extremely capable professional that the Village Board is confident will manage operations while the Village searches for quality candidates and goes through the selection process. She will have the support of the highly trained and experienced management team at the Village of Pleasant Prairie.
Goessl is a Certified Public Accountant and holds a Master of Business Administration and Management from the University of Wisconsin – Parkside plus a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. Her career as Finance Director with the Village began in 1995. She oversees and manages financial operations for the Village of Pleasant Prairie, including various enterprise funds and Tax Incremental Financing Districts. Her areas of expertise include budgeting, financial reporting, debt administration, cash management, and risk mitigation.