The Village of Pleasant Prairie and RecPlex are partnering with the Kenosha County Health Department to host a Covid-19 vaccination mobile clinic on Tuesday, June 15, in the RecPlex Ice Arena Lobby (9900 Terrwall Terrace) from 10:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. This mobile clinic is free and open to the public. No appointments needed. No proof of residency or employment in Kenosha County is required.
“We’re pleased to partner with Pleasant Prairie on this mobile vaccination clinic,” said Kenosha County Health Officer Dr. Jen Freiheit. “Getting vaccinated has proven to be a safe and effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19, and I encourage people to take advantage of this and other convenient, pop-up clinic opportunities that we’ll be hosting throughout the community this summer.”
Participants may choose vaccine type: Johnson, Pfizer, or Moderna. Information about the receiving the second dose will be provided on-site. The Village recommends that participants park in the Ice Arena Parking Lot (north side of RecPlex).