On Monday, November 15, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board considered and approved the 2022 General Fund Budget. The budget includes general government operating, capital, and debt service, along with incremental tax districts, capital improvements, and special revenue. The tax levy is budgeted to increase from $13,796,940 in 2021 to $14,252,940 in 2022, an increase of $456,000. The levy change will have a small impact on the property tax bill, slightly increasing the mill rate from $4.64 in 2021 to of $4.68 per thousand of assessed value in 2022.
The Village portion of the property tax bill for a median valued home in the Village ($237,200) will be $1,109, an increase of $8.44 over the 2021 amount. Pleasant Prairie receives approximately 22% of a resident’s total property tax payment. With this amount, the Village provides services such as assessing, building inspection, community development/planning, elections, engineering, finance, fire and rescue, human resources, police, road improvements, and snow plowing.
Village general operating expenses for 2022 will be approximately $19.4 million. The budget includes a full-time deputy clerk position and inflationary increases across most departments. Capital purchases include: road improvements of $2.2 million, Fire & Rescue Station #3 designs, Fire & Rescue Station #2 dorm remodel (Phase 2), new community development and regulations application, Ingram Park improvements, police fleet vehicle replacements, portable radios, a plow truck, transportation plan, and continuing Ash Tree replacement in right of ways.
"As a municipal government, our work is to provide high-quality municipal services to our citizens,” explained Village Administrator Nathan Thiel. " The Village prioritizes annual projects to make sure that we are fiscally responsible while maintaining a stable and economically sound community. We are extremely grateful for the residents and strong corporate partners that are supporting our efforts."