Following a virtual public hearing, on Monday, April 27, the Village Board approved Final Resolution #20-09 for the Chateau Eau Plaines Stormwater Improvement Project. The Chateau subdivision has a history of stormwater issues, due to the combination of flat roadside ditches and very active sump pumps. The board determined the project needed to move forward to address failing infrastructure, improve drainage conditions, and evacuate nuisance water.
The meeting had over 70 virtual attendees that had an opportunity to ask questions during the four-hour session. “The virtual meeting went smooth, and we are pleased with the amount of public participation we received and how seamless the meeting went,” said Nathan Thiel, Village Administrator, “Everyone had an opportunity to speak and share their voice from the safety of their home.”
The Village began working on the project two years ago, after receiving DNR permits. Decisions surrounding the project scope needed to move forward quickly to mitigate the severe risks related to a failing stormwater pipe. Postponing the plan could prevent the project from ever moving forward due to expired DNR permits and higher improvement costs.
The approved resolution authorizes the construction of public improvements and levying special assessments against benefited properties in connection with the Chateau Eau Plains stormwater improvements. To address concerns surrounding COVID-19, Mike Pollocoff recommended three amendments to the resolution:
- Payments in full will defer until October 21, 2022.
- The first of ten annual installments will be due on January 31, 2023.
- Installment interest rates will be 2% above the bond rate secured by the Village.
"There is never an ideal time for a special assessment, especially now with COVID-19," said Thiel, "however there is a critical need to improve stormwater in the area. The Village Board heard citizen concerns, took economics into consideration, and approved a project that will not only correct the failing infrastructure but better the whole community."
The project budget comes from the Clean Water Utility, with some costs being reimbursed by property owners through special assessments. The project also includes contributions from the Water Utility, Sewer Utility, and Paving program. The $2,973,956 total project costs include construction bids and design costs.
The Village cost for the project will cover $2,108,736 (71%). There are 199 benefiting property owners that will receive levy assessments to cover the remaining $865,220 (29%). On average, homes will have a special assessment of $4,347. Payments can be made in full or spread out over ten annual installments. Undeveloped properties that benefit from the improvements will defer payment until the property develops.
Chateau Eau Plains is located south of State Highway 50 and north of 82nd Street, between 104th and 115th Avenues. The subdivision was constructed in 1977 before the community had a planning or developing process in place. The existing roadside ditches are relatively flat, which has resulted in a history of drainage issues and complaints. The storm sewer designs will alleviate the drainage problems in the Chateau Eau Plaines subdivision.
Project Overview Map:
Chateau Eau Plaines Project Overview.pdf