The Village would like to thank the many households who consistently sort recycled materials out of their garbage stream. Your help truly makes a difference in the amount that our community pays towards landfill costs and on the impact that our trash has on the environment. The Village would like to encourage more households to do the same.
In order to make recycling as easy as possible the Village would like to remind residents of how to recycle certain items.
Curbside Recycling
Do not bag your recycling. Keep recyclables loose in your blue cart. This includes plastic recyclable and bio-degradable bags. This new rule now in effect at sorting facilities restrict bagged recyclables and consider it contaminated.
Rinse/wash and recycle the following items in your blue covered recycling cart:
• clear plastic containers, bottles and lids
marked with numbers 1-7
• glass bottles, jars, and containers
• aluminum or steel (tin) cans
Please recycle the following paper items in your blue covered recycling cart:
• cardboard, newspapers, and magazines
• catalogs, flyers, and junk mail
• boxboard (unlined merchandise boxes)
• telephone books and paperback books
• typing, copy and printer paper
• stationery, envelopes, and bills
• brown paper bags
For a second recycling cart, please call the Village at 262.925.6700. There is no additional fee for the second recycling cart.
A helpful quick reference guide for garbage recycling and hazardous waste can be found