A message on behalf of Kenosha County...
The Kenosha County Division of Highways wishes to inform that work is now underway on the reconstruction of Highway H (88th Avenue) between 93rd Place and Bain Station Road in the Village of Pleasant Prairie.
A closure of Highway H to through traffic in this area began this week, and is expected to continue for approximately a month.
This project involves adding turn lanes and driveway access to accommodate the new Kroger Fulfillment Center at 9091 88th Ave. Work includes a full reconstruction of the existing roadway in that immediate area, plus new pavement mill and overlay to the north of the development site. Project completion is scheduled for late-September 2021.
A posted detour directs motorists around the construction area via Highway H, Highway K (60th Street), Highway 31 (Green Bay Road) and Highway 165 (104th Street).
A map of the detour can be found
Access to residences and businesses will be maintained for the duration of the closure. Dashboard placards are being provided to businesses and residents who need to drive through the closure area. If additional placards are needed, please contact Construction Public Involvement Lead Rachel Andreoli at 262-977-0234 or
[email protected].
Meanwhile, a separate project on Highway H — a reconstruction of the roadway between Highway 165 and the Illinois state line — has is now substantially completed. That area is now reopened to traffic.
This information is also available on the Kenosha County website