There are voter registration drives occurring in the Pleasant Prairie area. These individuals are not affiliated with the Village Clerk’s Office. Residents should use extreme caution whenever supplying their personal information.
Secure voter registration can be accomplished by either registering online at
myvote.wi.gov/en-us or at the Village Clerk’s Office until 5:00 p.m., the Friday before the Election, by mail completed by and returned by the resident and is received by the Village Clerk’s office 20 days before the Election, or on Election Day at your polling location.
There are private, third-party groups mailing Voter Registration and/or Absentee Ballot Application to residents. These groups are not affiliated with the Village. Voter names and addresses are not personally identifiable information protected by law. The information is public and available for third-party groups to request. These mailings may or may not be using the most current voter roll information. If you receive one of these mailings, you may verify your voter registration status and/or absentee ballot application online at
myvote.wi.gov/en-us or with the Village
Clerk’s Office. These mailings may or may not contain a number that you may call to remove yourself from the third-party mailer list.