During the Village Board meeting on March 25, Board Members reviewed and approved a recommendation from the Village Park Commission to replace the playground equipment near the Veterans Memorial and Ball Field Pavilion at the south end of Prairie Springs Park. The decision addresses the need to replace the existing play structures, which are approximately 30 years old and have reached the end of their useful lifespan, making it difficult to find replacement parts.
The initiative to retire the worn park equipment arose while reviewing area park structures and preparing the 2024-2028 Park and Open Space Plan. In February 2024, during a Parks Commission meeting, Jeff Thompson from Lee Recreation presented three playground system options. With a target budget of $250,000 for the replacement system, Parks Commissioners provided feedback and recommendations after reviewing the options. Option three received the most positive feedback, particularly for its central play structure.
The new playground will include a poured-in-place rubber surface, facilitating inclusive play with interactive equipment features designed to ensure accessibility for all users. Removal of the old equipment is planned for late summer or early fall, with the new equipment installation shortly after. The changeover is anticipated to take about three weeks, depending on the weather. Additional budgetary allocations will cover the costs of equipment removal, concrete work, and base preparation. If extra funds are available at the end of the project, there is potential to add percussion music equipment near the play area's perimeter to further enhance the play experience.
"The Pleasant Prairie Parks Department's goal is to enhance the Village's park system, providing safe recreational spaces for all," said Director of Parks Brock Williamson. "We're excited to introduce the improved playground equipment later this season and welcome families of all ages and abilities to enjoy the new play experience at the south end of Prairie Springs Park."