In May, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board approved an agreement with Ayres Associates, a civil engineering firm, to develop Master Plans for Ingram Park at 5726 93rd Street and Prairie Springs Park at 9900 Terwall Terrace. These plans will guide the future development of both parks, focusing on accessibility, inclusion, and long-term improvements.
The plan for Prairie Springs Park will address challenges such as limited parking, traffic circulation, and the need for expanded event facilities. Ingram Park’s plan will focus on improving connections to nearby residential areas. Community input is guiding all proposed improvements. Village staff are assisting Ayres with on-site analysis and evaluating current park usage. Ayres is integrating feedback from the 2023 community survey and the Downtown Development Project.
Ayres also conducted several pop-up community input booths at events like Pleasant Prairie HarborMarket and National Night Out to gather real-time feedback and perspectives from park users and event attendees. The next phase of the planning process involves further community engagement. A short survey is available at
pleasantprairiewi.gov/survey to gather additional feedback. Residents can also subscribe to updates by emailing
[email protected]. Ayres will present the findings at a Parks Commission meeting this fall.
The park master planning process intends to identify areas for enhancement, optimize amenities, and improve overall park features. The process offers several key benefits:
- Ensures the parks meet the community’s needs
- Provides a platform for public input
- Guides future park developments and improvements
Community feedback is essential to shaping the future of Prairie Springs Park and Ingram Park. The Park Master Plans will enhance usability and adapt to the evolving needs of the Pleasant Prairie community.