The Village of Pleasant Prairie will reconstruct the intersection east of State Trunk Highway 31 (STH 31) at Old Green Bay Road and 95th Street as part of the 2024 paving program.
Due to the proximity to STH 31 and traffic speeds in the area, the intersection will close for four days to ensure safety. The closure is scheduled to start on Tuesday, June 4, and end on Friday, June 7, with the intersection reopening that afternoon. These dates are subject to weather conditions.
Motorists are advised to plan alternative routes and allow additional travel time. After work hours, the intersection will be open for north and southbound traffic. However, 95th Street will remain closed for east and westbound traffic between STH 31 and Old Green Bay Road.
"Construction crews are grateful to the public for their understanding and cooperation during this brief closure," stated Kurt Davidsen, Village Engineer. "Drivers should pay attention to signage and exercise caution around the construction area."