Pleasant Prairie invites the public to its annual Veterans Day Ceremony, a special event to honor America’s veterans and active military members. The ceremony will take place on Sunday, November 10, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. at the Pleasant Prairie Veterans Memorial, located on the southeast corner of Prairie Springs Park.
This year marks the 17th anniversary of the memorial’s dedication. The ceremony provides a meaningful opportunity to recognize the sacrifices made by veterans from major conflicts, including World War I and II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Village Board President John Steinbrink Sr. will lead the tribute.
The event is free and open to all. Light refreshments will be provided by Culver’s and Kwik Trip. Participating organizations include:
- Pleasant Prairie VFW Post 7308
- Kenosha Area Vietnam Veterans
- Pleasant Prairie Police Department Honor Guard
- American Legion Paul Herrick Post 21
The ceremony honors both past and present members of the armed forces. Those interested in contributing to future memorials through brick or bench dedications can call 262.925.6765 or visit
pleasantprairiewi.gov under Services > Parks and Recreation > Veterans Memorial. Forms are also available at the Roger Prange Municipal Center (8600 Green Bay Road) and Village Hall (9915 39th Avenue).