During the Pleasant Prairie Village Board meeting on April 8, the Board awarded contracts for the 2024 Paving Program. Asphalt Contractors Inc. secured the contracts for the road improvement projects with a bid of $2,017,230. Additionally, PTS Contractors Inc. won the Cooper Road sanitary sewer relay contract with a bid of $911,860.
"The Village received several competitive bids for these publicly bid projects and awarded contracts based on capabilities and bid amount," said Kurt Davidsen, Village Engineer. "We are confident that Asphalt Contractors and PTS Contractors have the expertise and experience necessary to complete these improvements to the Village's quality standards."
The 2024 Paving Program will include several improvement projects that involve:
- Pulverize and relay pavement in areas on 70th Street, 73rd Street, and 89th Avenue adjacent to Westfield Heights
- Pulverize and relay pavement on 55th Avenue, 77th Street, and 79th Street in Lawler's Subdivision and Cooper Road from 75th Street to 80th Street
- Mill and resurface the 95th Street intersection with Old Green Bay Road
- Overlay on Greenway Court to raise the roadway above the 100-year floodplain
- Install a two-inch overlay at the 73-1 Lift Station
- Pulverize and relay pavement in the Pleasant Homes subdivision along 44th Avenue from 120th Street to 122nd Street
- Full-depth mill and resurface of 123rd Street in Pleasant Homes Subdivision
- Pulverize and relay pavement on 120th Place
- Pulverize and relay pavement on 28th Avenue south of 116th Street
- Pulverize, relay, and patch asphalt on 116th Street between 39th Avenue and Sheridan Road
- Mill and resurface a section of Corporate Drive
The Cooper Road project plans to relay a section of the existing sanitary sewer within Cooper Road from 80th Street to an area south of 76th Street. The project will increase capacity, provide greater backup protection, and eliminate the existing pipe sags that catch debris and require frequent cleaning. By awarding these contracts, the Village continues its commitment to promoting improvements and preserving infrastructure investments in Pleasant Prairie.