An Outdoor Wood Burning Furnace (OWBF) is prohibited in the Village unless the unit is an existing nonconforming OWBF in full compliance with Village Ordinance 180-25. An existing OWBF requires a yearly operating permit. It is the owner’s responsibility to acquire the $20 permit annually. A permitted OWBF is not authorized to be operated in a manner that is hazardous, harmful, or offensive to the surrounding neighborhood as determined by the Village Building Inspector or Village Fire & Rescue Chief. The Fire & Rescue Chief shall have the authority to revoke a permit for a nonconforming OWBF under the ordinance.
The Village adopted the ordinance on October 19, 2009. Any OWBFs before this date would be considered an existing unit. OWBFs moving forward and after October 19, 2009, are considered prohibited and in violation of this ordinance.