The Canadian Pacific Railway plans to close the existing crossing on County Trunk Highway H (88th Avenue) south of 95th Street. The railroad crossing will be closed to all traffic on Highway H. Railroad maintenance and road closures are expected to begin on Monday, October 31, 2022, and take approximately five days to complete. The railway crossing is tentatively planned to reopen the evening of Friday, November 4, 2022.
Highway H will be closed at the railroad crossing between 95th Street and 100th Street for the duration of the project. Construction crews will provide access to all businesses in the area. Posted detour signage will direct traffic along 100th Street, 80th Avenue, and 95th Street.
The scheduled completion date for the work is weather dependent. If work is completed ahead of schedule, the road will reopen accordingly. Drivers in the project area are asked to abide by construction signage and drive with great care, patience, and thoughtful attention while this work is being completed.