On August 8, the Village Board approved the Master Conceptual Plan to redevelop a portion of the former We Energies Power Plant site. Neal Driscoll made the requests with DPML 95th Street, LLC (Dermody Properties). The Certified Survey Map (CSM) that intends to subdivide the property at 8000 95th Street into three lots received a favorable recommendation from the Plan Commission on July 18. The Master Conceptual Plan proposes redeveloping Lot 2 of the CSM into a 198-acre industrial park known as LogistiCenter.
Out of the three lots in the CSM, Wisconsin Electric Power Company plans to retain the 102 acres in Lot 1, the 100 acres in Lot 3, and the existing utility substations on the two lots. The remaining 198 acres Wisconsin Electric Power Co. owns in Lot 2 will be sold to Dermody Properties for industrial development.
The Master Conceptual Plan proposes constructing three industrial buildings on Lot 2, generally located north of 95th Street, between the Canadian Pacific Railway and Union Pacific Railway. The first facility will be approximately 550,000 square feet, the second around 620,000 square feet, and the final building about 1,116,000 square feet. Dermody Properties and its partners intend to own the real estate long-term, leasing the buildings to future tenants. Vertical building development will likely occur in two or three phases, dependent on market conditions. The first of the three buildings is proposed to be complete by January 2024.
As part of the project, Dermody Properties will extend 80th Avenue into Lot 2 from 95th Street, ending in a cul-de-sac. The extension will include public sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water main. Other stormwater management facilities, including four stormwater basins will be constructed on the site. Municipal water will be looped in from the north, along with a private road extending south from Bain Station Road, through Lot 3, and surrounding site developments to ensure alternative access for emergency services.
“The development of Lot 2 will provide opportunities for new industrial buildings similar to the adjacent structures in LakeView Corporate Park,” said Jean Werbie-Harris, Community Development Director. “The Master Conceptual Plan also proposes dedicating a 2-acre park to the Village at the northwest corner of 80th Avenue and 95th Street that the Village would use to tell the story about the history and economic impact We Energies had on Pleasant Prairie.”