The Village of Pleasant Prairie announces the succession plan at the Department of Public Works following last weeks retirement of Public Works Director John Steinbrink Jr.
To ensure a smooth transition for the Public Works Department and for residents moving forward, the Village has appointed a leadership team to share the duties of the department. Tom Hupp, Public Works Manager of Technical Support, has been named Interim Public Works Director. He is assisted in leadership by Rick Greeno, the Superintendent of Operations. Both Hupp and Greeno have accepted new responsibilities and will maintain the department goals and priorities while the Village searches for the next Public Works Director.
The Village is now in full summer mode, a time in Pleasant Prairie when the Public Works Department and Village truly shine. The Village offers year-round community services that maintain local parks for recreation, entertainment, sports, and fitness. Prairie Springs Park comes to life each summer with beachgoers, competitive sporting events, and nationally known triathlons.
Villlage staff are busy planning for the future in Pleasant Prairie, and we look forward to sharing those plans with you.