On Monday, November 28, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board considered and approved the 2023 General Fund Budget. The budget includes general government operating, capital, debt service, incremental tax districts, and special revenue funds. The tax levy is budgeted to increase from $14,252,940 in 2022 to $17,912,503 in 2023, an increase of $3,659,563. The levy change will have a small impact on the property tax bill, lowering the Village's mill rate from $4.68 in 2022 to $3.71 per thousand of assessed value in 2023.
The 2023 property tax payment for a median-valued residential home in the Village valued at $322,500 ($237,200 in 2022) will be approximately $39 lower than the amount paid in 2022. The Village portion of the property tax bill did increase by $86 over the 2022 amount to support the voter-approved Public Safety Referendum; however, there was an overall reduction across all tax districts that produced the cost reduction. The $39 savings is primarily due to the retirement of Pleasant Prairie's Tax Incremental District #2 (TID 2), which has closed with sufficient increment to pay off the district’s infrastructure debt and is now contributing tax funds to local schools and the other taxing districts.
"Tax district developments in Pleasant Prairie represent a significant investment in the community. The closing of TID 2 shows a return that positively impacts the Village and other taxing districts in the area," explained Village Trustee Mike Pollocoff. “The Village's long-term plan for community growth has focused on what could be accomplished to help reduce residential tax pressures. The Village's efforts developed an economic area to help lower tax rates, bring new industries that provide jobs, and grow the local economy and community. The investment in TID 2 has paid off and brought a higher quality of life to the area."
Village general operating expenses for 2023 will be approximately $22.5 million. The budget includes full-time positions for 12 firefighter paramedics, four police officers, a Parks Superintendent, and a Fire Prevention Bureau Officer. The approved capital budget of $49.7 million includes upgrading the municipal phone system, reconstruction designs for 93rd Street between 63rd and 39th Avenues, updating the park and open space plan, improving the frisbee golf course at Pleasant Prairie Park, replacing shop hoists in the maintenance bays, replacing fleet vehicles, and supporting $2.5 million in road improvements. The capital budget also includes borrowing $27.5 for a new law enforcement facility, $15.9 million to construct Fire & Rescue Station #3, $1.4 million for a replacement fire engine and additional ambulance, and funds for a new plow truck.