During an April 5 meeting, the Village Board awarded contracts for two infrastructure improvement projects. The contract for the Beverly Woods Storm Water Improvement project was awarded to Reesman's Excavating & Grading, Inc., of Burlington WI, for $1,255,109.75. A separate contract for the first phase of the Chateau Eau Plaines Water Main Relay project was awarded to Campanella & Sons, Inc. for $1,872,844.26.
The Beverly Woods Storm Water Improvement project is moving forward to correct the subdivision's rural cross-section roadways that were platted in the 1970s. The improvements will replace failing storm sewer infrastructure to improve roadside drainage, generally consisting of new storm sewers, inlets, sump pump laterals, and ditching that will redirect storm water to a regional storm water management pond. The work is being completed to prepare Beverly Woods for road repaving.
The second project is focusing on replacing the water mains within the Chateau Eau Plaines Subdivision. The original ductile iron pipes installed in 1977 need to be replaced. The native soils in the area have corroded the water mains. Pipe leaks were observed during Chateau's 2020 storm sewer construction project. Village staff inventoried the area’s water mains that need replacement and decided to move forward with the project to prevent drinkable water loss and minimize the need for emergency repairs. The project consists of two phases. The first phase is budgeted for 2021 and will replace the aging water mains in the Chateau storm water project area before repaving the subdivision's roadways.
Sealed bids were accepted for each project. Village staff received seven bids for the Beverly Woods Storm Water Improvement project and three bids for the Chateau Eau Plaines Phase 1 Water Main Relay project. Reesman's Excavating & Grading and Campanella & Sons had both submitted the lowest bid for their respective projects.