The Village of Pleasant Prairie's historic Twelfth Night ceremony returns at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 6, 2022. The Village welcomes visitors from the region to help celebrate the Twelfth Night tradition, which disposes of old holiday trees in a very visible way. The annual event occurs on the west side of Prairie Springs Park by Lake Andrea Beach, at 9999 Park Drive in Pleasant Prairie. The Pleasant Prairie Convention and Visitors Bureau (PPCVB), Pleasant Prairie Historical Society, and Village of Pleasant Prairie look forward to seeing guests attend the family-friendly event.
“The last night of the Twelve Days of Christmas is a traditional night to take down decorations and officially end the holiday season,” explained PPCVB Executive Director Michelle Williamson. “I can't think of a better way to celebrate than singing holiday favorites with family and friends around the warmth of a huge pine tree bonfire."
Pleasant Prairie adopted the Twelfth Night tradition in the 1980s and celebrated the event for 13 consecutive years. The historic ceremony is used to dispose of dried holiday trees. Area community members may contribute trees to the event by dropping them off inside the fenced-in area along the west side of Park Drive, near Lake Andrea Beach. The holiday tree drop-off site will open starting December 26.
The Twelfth Night Celebration is free and open to the public. Festivities will kick off at 6:00 p.m. with a brief welcome. The pine tree bonfire will commence shortly after. Hot chocolate and treats will be available inside the Wruck Beach Pavilion. Donations for the Twelfth Night are welcome and support the Historical Society's efforts to restore the first apparatus the Pleasant Prairie Fire and Rescue Department purchased when formed, a 1935 Peter Pirsch Model 21 Fire Engine.
Public safety at the event is a top priority. The bonfire area will be at least 100 square feet and is subject to the Fire Chief and onsite Public Safety Personnel's judgment. Community members should follow COVID-19 recommendations. The Village will reserve parking along Park Drive for Fire and Rescue to keep safety trucks and equipment closest to the fire. Guests may park in lots on either side of the Wruck Pavilion.