The Pleasant Prairie Village Clerk urges residents to utilize the absentee drive-through voting location at Prange Municipal Center, by Friday, April 3. The drive-through voting option limits exposure and is a convenient option for residents to vote. In-person voting on Election Day, April 7, will be limited to one polling location at the Village Hall Auditorium, 9915 39th Avenue (south entrance). Based on the order from Governor Tony Evers, restricting the number of people gathering, only five residents will be allowed in the auditorium to vote at a time.
The number of trained poll-workers for Election Day has diminished due to health and safety concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The change in staffing strongly influenced the decision to move toward having one polling location. The safety of staff and voters is a top priority. A line will form outside the auditorium in six-foot intervals. After each round of voters, the team will take time to sanitize all major touchpoints and wipe down polling booths.
With the governor’s “Safer at Home” order in place, there is still time for residents to vote absentee. Online voter registration at
myvote.wi.gov has been extended to March 30. After this date, voters can still register in person at the drive-through voting location through April 3, or at the Village Hall Auditorium polling location on Election Day, April 7.
Those who are already registered may request an absentee ballot by mail. The request deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 2. Voters are strongly encouraged to act as soon as possible to ensure the vote is received in time to complete and mail it back to the Municipal Clerk’s office, 9915 39th Avenue, by Election Day. Residents may check their registration status and request to receive an absentee ballot by mail at
The Village is making every effort to provide access to a fair and impartial election while still protecting public health. The Village Clerk’s office can be reached by phone at
262.694.1400 or by email at
[email protected].