Bear Development is working on completing Phase One construction on Main Street Market. The intersection at Old Green Bay Road and State Trunk Highway 165 (STH 165) is nearing completion, and STH 165 opened to through traffic on Friday, November 20.
“The ultimate build-out for the intersection at Old Green Bay Road and Highway 165 calls for traffic signals,” said John Steinbrink Jr., Director of Public Works. “When the traffic counts are large enough the intersection will become signalized; however, at this time, the intersection goes straight through, with stops signs where Old Green Bay Road hits Highway 165.”
The development consists of two phases. Phase one construction began on August 3 and focused on developing Main Street Market and the intersection at STH 165 and Old Green Bay Road. Phase two construction will begin in 2021. The project will widen Old Green Bay Road, between STH 165 and 95th Street, to accommodate increased traffic to Main Street Market development. Through traffic for phase two will detour traffic along 95th Street, Green Bay Road, and STH 165.
The project team asks drivers to plan additional time to navigate the detour route and thanks drivers for their patience throughout the construction periods. Visit the news section of pleasantprairiewi.gov and follow the Village of Pleasant Prairie social media channels for updates and the most recent Village news.