Pleasant Prairie Village Hall (9915 39th Avenue) will reopen to the public on Monday, June 29, with safety and social distancing practices in place. The front counters and lobby will be available during regular business hours, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Village facilities initially closed on March 18 due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Although the building is opening, Village staff encourages customers to use the available online resources and conduct business by making phone calls, sending emails, and submitting online payments at PleasantPrairieWi.gov.
"The safety of our community members, guests, and staff is one of the top priorities at Village Hall," said Village Administrator Nathan Thiel. “The decision to reopen the Village Hall has been careful, intentional, and gradual. Our goal is to safely and responsibly reopen Village Hall to provide in-person access to the services that support our community."
The following safety features are being implemented at Village Hall to respect staff and guests health safety:
- Payments should be made online or placed in the drop box located to the right of the main doors at Village Hall.
- Guests experiencing flu-like symptoms are not permitted to enter the building.
- Protective barriers at front counters have been installed, with social distancing kickboard markings, floor markings, and safety signage.
- Practice Social Distancing, keeping at least 6-feet apart.
- It is recommended that guests wear face masks covering nose and mouth inside Village Hall.
- Frequent handwashing, regular cleaning, and disinfection of surfaces are being maintained.
- Signage with recommended behaviors for employees and visitors are posted in prominent areas.
Virtual meetings with staff are still the preferred method; however, in-person meetings with staff will be accommodated if an appointment is made in advance. At this time, public meetings are still being held virtually and hosted online. To connect to upcoming public meetings, please visit PleasantPrairieWi.gov/GoTo and register to reserve a virtual seat.
The Village Administration continues to monitor public health recommendations, evaluate procedures, and make changes accordingly. For ongoing updates related to COVID-19 and Village operations, please follow the Village social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) and visit PleasantPrairieWi.gov.