RealChem Manufacturing Inc. (RealChem) plans to relocate its existing business in Mundelein, IL, to Pleasant Prairie and intends to be operational before the end of the year 2020.
On Monday, November 9, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission held a Public Hearing to consider the request of Kerston Russell with RealChem. After reviewing the application and hearing staff comments, the Plan Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit, including Site and Operational Plans, to occupy the existing industrial building located at 7844 102nd Street in LakeView Corporate Park. RealChem will use the space to manufacture hand sanitizer, disinfectant, antiseptic, and other products for janitorial, sanitation institutions, and consumer markets.
RealChem Manufacturing is a custom manufacturing business that produces custom liquid products for clients. Their operations formulate, compound, blend, package, warehouse, and fulfill orders for clients. The company also provides product development, packaging design, and marketing support services. The building RealChem will occupy, built by Towne LakeView Executive Group LLC in 2018, is zoned as an M-2 General Manufacturing District, which allows a High-Hazard Group H Occupancy Type. Approximately 3,230 square feet of the building's 72,324 square feet will house uses identified for a Group H category.
RealChem plans to bring 12 members from their senior management group to the new facility. Several of the members already live in the Kenosha County area. The company is currently in the process of hiring eight more senior staff members from the region. RealChem is proposing adding approximately 75 to 100 employees over the next three months, working two shifts.