As our community has been dealing with COVID-19 since March and will be under the “Safer at Home” order until May 26, I wanted to take the opportunity to recognize the many personal sacrifices being made by every member of our community. On behalf of the entire Village, I thank you for your continued patience and support in an effort to protect the public health and safety.
The Village’s mission statement is:
To promote and preserve investment in our community When emergencies happen, we learn what we are made of and if we are true to our values. The community support has been incredible. I know of neighbors assisting neighbors. Several businesses and community members assisted our Emergency Services to access masks, gloves, alcohol wipes, and other sanitation materials. I have been impressed with the way our Village has rallied together. Thank you for being an invested member of Pleasant Prairie. I hope you know we are equally invested in you.
Despite the significant personal sacrifices at this time, I have received several supportive compliments from residents and no complaints. I also want to recognize the incredible job our professional staff has done in responding to this crisis. I want to highlight just a few of the significant accomplishments and ways they continue to deliver critical services:
• Our Village Clerk and staff did an incredible job processing a large number of absentee ballot applications and ballots, over 4,460, of which 1,250 voters used the successful drive-through. Because of their efforts, our citizens were extremely responsive and patient during the April election.
• Fire and Rescue and Police have remained responsive and set an incredible tone and presence in our neighborhoods.
• Our I.T. department was ahead of the curve and had the enormous task of coordinating technology and access so administrative staff could work from home.
• There have been no interruptions in high demand services like garbage collection, water and sewer, or building and zoning permits.
• We have hosted several virtual public meetings, with good citizen participation.
Now, one of the best examples of investment in our community, the RecPlex, also happens to be one of the hardest-hit functions of the Village due to COVID-19. To date, no taxpayer dollars go to support this comprehensive fitness center in our community. The facility operates entirely on memberships, programs, and rental revenue, and membership fees are currently on hold during its closure. While the closure of RecPlex has a dramatic fiscal impact, the Village continues to make investments in the facility. Maintenance crews are taking the opportunity to use the time to clean, upgrade, and make repairs.
This year will be the 20th anniversary of the facility. When RecPlex opens again, I hope you will show strong support, so that we can continue to maintain this investment in our community. Unlike other recreational, private, and non-profit facilities, the RecPlex currently does not qualify for federal stimulus because it is owned and operated by the Village. It will need the whole community’s support when it comes time to open again.
In closing, we indeed can be proud of our community, our services, our employees, and our ability to rise above hard times. This pandemic will end. We will be better for it because we are invested in each other and our community.
John Steinbrink Sr.
Village President