Highway C Set to Close on Feb. 10 for Shared Use Path Construction

Kenosha County, partnering with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, is preparing to move forward with the construction of the County Trunk Highway C (CTH C) Shared Use Path between 114th Avenue and Bain Station Road within the Village of Pleasant Prairie.
A section of CTH C between the Des Plaines River bridge crossing will close on Monday, February 10. It is anticipated to remain closed for approximately eight weeks, weather permitting. The closure is necessary for the construction of a shared-use path and pedestrian bridge crossing the Des Plaines River on CTH C. The work is part of a plan to create comprehensive trail networks to encourage biking and walking for commuting, recreation, and other trips.
Project staff will be placing signage to direct travelers through the detour route. The area will be closed to through traffic, between River Road and Bain Station Road, until the project is completed. Through traffic will be directed along 120th Avenue, 75th Street, and 88th Avenue. The project team asks drivers to please plan additional time to navigate the detour routes, as traffic may be more substantial at peak times of day and thanks drivers for their patience as the path is constructed.
Local traffic for residents needing access to homes in the project area will remain open in the soft closure work areas, between 88th and 111th Avenues. Please watch for wayfinding signage as you approach the project area, follow instructions of the work crews, and drive very carefully in the work area. The Village thanks drivers and residents near the work area for their patience as this project is completed.
The project is jointly sponsored by Kenosha County and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. For more information, contact the Kenosha County Highway Commissioner at 262.653.1870.