On Thursday, March 12, Governor Tony Evers declared a health emergency in Wisconsin after seven people in the state tested positive with coronavirus (COVID-19). The Village of Pleasant Prairie is following all relevant agencies for the latest information and guidance to pass along to residents.
“The Village supports the recommendations of the Department of Health Services in canceling gatherings that are estimated to be larger than 250 people,” said Nathan Thiel, Village Administrator. “The decision is being made to help ensure the safety of everyone in the community. We are doing what we can to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and want to express concern and support for everyone that is affected by the outbreak.”
The Village recognizes and understands there are concerns about COVID-19. Residents of Pleasant Prairie have expressed worries about unconfirmed reports in the area. To date, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Kenosha County, according to the County Division of Health. Our rescue personal and administration teams are closely monitoring the latest developments and following the guidance from Kenosha County.
Specifically, the Village is taking additional precautions at RecPlex to ensure facility safety. Several large events have been canceled in guidance with CDC recommendations, State declaration, and organized sports association decisions. Staff is significantly enhancing the cleaning and sanitation efforts at all guest and employee touchpoints. High traffic areas are being cleaned 24 hours a day, at multiple intervals. Antibacterial hand pump gel is at each desk location for customers and staff to use. There are wipes for wiping down equipment in the fitness area, before and after use. Signage is in place in restrooms, encouraging staff and guests to wash their hands frequently. The actions initiated will help guests and staff feel confident about their health and safety while at the site.
We are asking the staff and guests at all Village locations to stay home if they are sick. Anyone who exhibits symptoms as outlined in the CDC guidelines should see their medical provider.
For the most current information on the COVID-19, please visit the
CDC's website.