In compliance with DNR (Department of Natural Resources) requirements, the Village of Pleasant Prairie Sewer Utility would like to notify residents of a collection system sanitary sewer overflow that occurred on the evening of Sunday, May 17. The overflow occurred at a utility hole in the 7900 blocks of Cooper Road. Sanitary sewer water was released into a ditch-line along the road and allowed to absorb into the ground.
Heavy rains on top of already wet soils, caused stormwater to infiltrate (enter) the sanitary sewer and create volumes of water that the sanitary sewer system is not designed to handle. In response to the pressure created by stormwater infiltration and to prevent sanitary sewer backups in residential homes in the area, the utility initiated the overflow of storm and sanitary sewer water into the ditch.
The Village rehabilitated the sanitary sewer mains in the Cooper Road area and relined older clay mains with cured in place resin to help prevent stormwater from seeping into the sanitary sewer system in 2015. In addition to completing the sewer mainlining, the Village has created a program to work with residents in the area to identify and correct leaking private sanitary sewer laterals (laterals connect a home’s plumbing to the sewer main).
The Village continually monitors infiltration and has established ongoing efforts that help identify sources of leaks that could overstress the system. The following steps are in place to prevent System Sewer Overflows: cleans clay sewer mains annually, maintains backflow preventers in the area regularly, and verifies residents do not have sump pumps or drainage tiles that connect to the sanitary sewer system.