The Froedtert Pleasant Prairie Hospital, located at 9555 76th Street, plans to expand the northeast corner of the building to construct a Cancer Care Clinic. During a virtual public meeting on Monday, April 13, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission approved Site and Operational Plans for the proposed 6,700 square foot addition and 12,000 square foot interior renovation at the hospital.
The addition will feature a new entrance for the Cancer Care Clinic and outpatient area for cancer care patients and their families. The expansion will consist of additional clinic space, exam rooms, and outpatient treatment areas for patients receiving various care, including radiation and chemotherapies.
The building expansion will connect with the existing hospital at key access points to allow the natural movement of patients, staff, and supplies around the facility. Building exteriors will blend into the existing building, using the same aesthetically pleasing natural materials of brick, stone, and window glazing that is throughout the campus.
Hospital construction and renovation will move forward in three phases. The first phase consists of site work and expanding the building shell. The second phase will construct a new infusion center. The third phase intends to renovate and build-out a medical oncology clinic. The Cancer Center plans to remain open during all periods of development. The project is anticipated to conclude in fall of 2021.
When complete, the Cancer Care Clinic plans to operate approximately 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and by appointment on Saturday. Currently, the hospital has 671 full-time, and 419 part-time employees spread over three shifts. The cancer care addition, at full built out, is expected to add eight full-time and part-time positions.
Agendas and related documents for the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission meeting can be found