Ashbury East Subdivision Final Plat

Ashbury East Subdivision Final Plat
Posted on 07/06/2020
A new subdivision with 19 single-family lots in Pleasant Prairie is moving forward. During a virtual meeting on Monday, July 6, the Village Board approved the Final Plat, Release of Easements, Development Agreement, and related exhibits to develop the Ashbury East Subdivision. The proposed subdivision will divide the 9.89 acres of vacant land east of 94th Avenue and north of Bain Station Road into 19 single-family lots and one outlot.

The Conceptual Plan for the 9.89 acres of land between Ashbury Creek Subdivision and Fountain Ridge Apartment Complex was initially presented in June 2016. The developers of Fountain Ridge apartments sold the area proposed for the 19 single-family subdivision to Harpe Development. Harpe intends to be the sole developer of the Ashbury East Subdivision and will cover the expenses for all public improvements, municipal roadways, sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer. 

The lots will have an average lot size of 14,593 square feet. Single-family lots will range in size from 13,180 square feet to 20,201 square feet per lot. The outlot in the subdivision will be dedicated as a stormwater retention basin and open space for the Ashbury East Homeowner’s Association. Harpe Development will be the sole developer in the subdivision and will pay for all the site grading and public improvements (municipal roadways, sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer) to service the lots.
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