The Village of Pleasant Prairie encourages residents to play an essential role in developing a creative community center, to be known as the ArtPlex, by taking part in an informative survey. The survey intends to measure resident interest and desire for the types of public spaces needed in the downtown Village Green development. The results from the study will help inform the Village Green Steering Committee on local recommendations that should be considered in the proposal for the community-wide ArtPlex.
Public input plays a vital role in helping to shape our community into the future. The concept for an ArtPlex arose during the Village Green open engagement process and is being explored in greater depth during the Master Planning phase for the downtown project. An electronic survey has been created for residents to share their aspirations for an ArtPlex. The survey is online at
pleasantprairiewi.gov/survey and will remain open until Thursday, February 20.
"To ensure the best decision-making for Village Green, we are asking residents to get involved in the strategic planning process," said Nathan Thiel, Village Administrator. "We want to gauge interests and understand what the community values. The feedback will help us develop a long-term vision for an ArtPlex and ensure the investment aligns with the needs of our residents."
Community engagement is an essential part of the strategic plan for Village Green. The goal of the ArtPlex project is to create a community-driven facility that will attract residents and visitors to the downtown area. The Steering Committee developed the ArtPlex survey so residents can share their voice. Feedback from the study will be critical in determining the needs, priorities, goals, and strategies that guide the vision for the future downtown area.