On Monday, December 9, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission considered and approved Final Site and Operational Plans for an 86,808 square foot facility expansion that houses Volkswagen Group of America LLC (Volkswagen). The request was made by Jeff Smith, agent for Verde 88th Avenue LLC, owners of the property located at 11589 88th Avenue in LakeView Corporate Park. Volkswagen plans to use the additional space to warehouse and distribute parts.
The 86,808 square foot addition will be added to the south side of the existing 250,366 square-foot building. Volkswagen has occupied the space since 2003 as a warehouse and parts distribution facility. On August 12, 2019, the Plan Commission conditionally approved Preliminary Site and Operational Plans to begin site grading, install underground utilities, establish footing and foundation for the 86,808 square foot expansion. Construction will begin in spring 2020 with an anticipated completion in the fall.
Volkswagen currently has 40 full-time employees working one shift at the facility. There are no plans to hire new employees with the expansion. Upon completion of the addition there will be 133 parking spaces, including seven handicapped accessible parking spaces, and nine new truck dock doors for a total of 37 truck dock doors. It is estimated there will be an average of 40 automobile and 20 truck trips to and from the site each day.
Related documents for the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission meetings are