The Village’s Snow and Ice Removal Ordinance language specifies who is responsible for snow removal from sidewalks and the timing of removal; depositing snow onto streets and public property; and how the Village effects compliance with the ordinance.
The owner and occupant of a property is responsible for snow removal from adjacent sidewalks, anyone who may be in charge of a property is responsible for snow removal as well. Prompt removal of snow or ice each day from sidewalks is required within 24 hours from the time the snow ceases to accumulate. If property owners fail to follow the Village ordinance, Village crews will clear the snow and the property owners will be billed. The ordinance requires those abutting sidewalks to sprinkle de-icing material in the event that ice has formed on a sidewalk. See tips toward the end of this article.
It is not permissible for people to shovel or blow snow into streets or onto public property. Language in the ordinance relates to how the Village will remedy snow placed into the street or onto public property and how the Village will recover the related expense. The Village of Pleasant Prairie’s Snow and Ice Removal Ordinance can be found
When heading to the hardware store to pick up a de-icer for your sidewalk or drive, instead of looking for a conventional salt de-icer, look for one that is pet-, child-, and/or plant-safe. Those that contain calcium magnesium acetate, potassium chloride, or calcium chloride are typically a good alternative.
To lessen the amount of snow deposited at the end of your driveway after a pass from the snow plow, push or blow snow to the right side of your driveway as you face the street. Place
as little snow as possible at the lower left hand side of your driveway where it meets the street. While this won’t eliminate the pile of snow at the end of your driveway after a snow plow passes, it can make the pile more manageable and easier to clear.
Do not push snow into the street. Not only is this dangerous for traffic but it also creates more work for the snowplow operators as they try to clear the streets.
When shoveling off your car, form neat piles in areas that are not used by pedestrians.
If you live near the elderly, offer to help shovel their sidewalk, stoop, and driveway.
When using your snow blower do not throw snow onto your neighbors’ property/driveway/sidewalk.
An internet search for tips for shoveling snow the end of your driveway should offer more ideas and options.
If a fire hydrant is on your property it is your responsibility to clear the snow 3 feet around the hydrant. In the case of an emergency, the Pleasant Prairie Fire and Rescue Department do not have the time available to search and clear the snow to get to the hydrant. Thank you for your cooperation in help keeping the community safe.