On Monday, November 4, the Village Board considered and approved the acceptance of Public Improvements for Prairie Highland Corporate Park (PHCP). The acceptance allows the corporate park, located at the northwest corner of CTH Q (104th Street) and 122nd Avenue (West Frontage Road), to move forward with the HARIBO of America land agreement.
“The Village has completed significant infrastructure improvements in Prairie Highland Corporate Park,” said Village Administrator Nathan Thiel, “The acceptance of the improvements is important; it allows the Village to move forward with the second and final closing on the property we are selling to HARIBO.”
The accepted public improvements for PHCP include public sanitary sewer system, public storm sewer system, public water main improvements, and public roadway improvements.
“We’re excited about this next step in the process of building our Pleasant Prairie home and appreciate the partnership with the Village,” said Arndt Ruesges, Chief Production Officer, HARIBO, “When we say this is our new home, we mean it. This is a multi-phase project, and we’re taking learnings from our Corporate Headquarters and U.S. practices to ensure we’re producing the best quality products for our customers and consumers for the long-term.”
The development of HARIBO of America is planned to begin in the late spring/summer of 2020. Phase one of the buildout will include the production facility, a buffer warehouse and an administrative building. In future phases the company plans to include a high bay warehouse, a retail experience open to the public, as well as a daycare and fitness center for its employees.
Five remaining lots, totaling 137 acres of land is available for future development in PHCP. The corporate park has a focus on manufacturing, office, and commercial uses. The Village is encouraged by the significant interest of potential developers for the remaining sites.
Click the following links for development details on HARIBO of America, Aurora Health Care, and Nexus Pharmaceuticals.
A time-laps video reporting Prairie Highland Corporate Park progress can be found here.