On Monday, June 24, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission considered and approved a preliminary plat for the Ashbury East subdivision. The request was made by Nancy Washburn, agent on behalf of Ashbury Creek LLC, owners of the property generally located east of 94th Avenue and north of Bain Station Road for approval of a Preliminary Plat for the proposed 19 single family lot subdivision to be known as Ashbury East.
On June 20, 2016, the Village Board conditionally approved a Conceptual Plan for the development of 19 single family lots and the adjacent Fountain Ridge Apartment development to the east. Since the approval of the Conceptual Plan, the Fountain Ridge apartments have been constructed and are nearly completed. Recently the developers for the apartments sold 9.89 acres of land to Harpe Development who is now intending to subdivide the property and create the 19 single family lots.
The single family lots range in size from 13,180 square feet to 20,201 square feet per lot with the average lot size of 14,593 square feet. The lots shall meet the minimum requirements of the R-4.5 Urban Single Family Residential District, which requires each lot to be a minimum of 12,500 square feet with 80 feet of lot width or street frontage (the frontage can be reduced to 45 feet on a curve or cul-de-sac), which is the same zoning requirements of Ashbury Creek Subdivision to the west. All lots shall have a minimum lot depth of at least 125 feet. A common open space is also planned for the Ashbury East Homeowner’s Association of 1.71 acres located at the north end of the subdivision.