On November 19, the Village Board considered and approved a Water Service Agreement between the Village of Pleasant Prairie and the Village of Bristol. This agreement would allow Bristol to purchase municipal water from the Village to accommodate development of approximately 535 acres of land located along CTH U and CTH Q (also known as Utility District No. 5). This Agreement is an amendment to the 1997 Cooperative Agreement between the Village of Prairie Parties and the Village of Bristol.
Bristol approached the Village in 2016 regarding the ability to service Bristol’s Utility District No. 5 with municipal water. The Village evaluated its water system and incorporated Bristol’s service demand in the Village’s overall master water planning. The Village determined it is able to provide Bristol’s water service demand. Under the agreement, Bristol will purchase water for the 535 acres of land exclusively from the Village of Pleasant Prairie. The Village is committing to provide a water supply rate of up to 500 gallons per minute. The Village Water Utility will continue to construct and maintain facilities within the Village to ensure that Bristol receives an adequate water supply. The water purchase rates for Bristol are still under review with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission.