An error was made in the July Village Newsletter article related to the Pleasant Prairie's Police Officers Appreciation Association Thank You Decals. We mistakenly reported that the decals could be placed on mailboxes. This is not correct. No decals or stickers are allowed on mailboxes. We apologize for the error.
The Police Officers Appreciation Association July Village Newsletter article should be read as follows:
The Pleasant Prairie Police Officers Appreciation Assoication mission is to counter nationwide disrespect for the police. During 2017, the association offered free “Thank You” yard signs to Pleasant Prairie residents that donated to the associated or became friends of the Assoication. The signs have been very well received and this year the association is offering a new “Thank You” decal for car windows, car bumpers or front doors.
The community has provided overwhelming support for the Pleasant Prairie Police officers with their donations and by placing the supportive signs. Enough funds were raised to purchase the first Body Cameras that could not be budgeted for 2017. Chief Smetana acknowledged the cameras continue to help officers collect evidence and protect them from false complaints.
The volunteers and donors are continuing this year by providing funds for a program to help officers find ways to manage job related stress and for police department outreach to children. It is hoped that this Pleasant Prairie community example will encourage other small communities to create their own expressions of gratitude and respect towards police officers. During National Police Week, “Celebration at the Station” was offered between shifts with refreshments and gifts donated by Culver’s, Paielli’s Bakery, the Premium Outlet Mall and Jockey.
Residents are encouraged share their support to the Pleasant Prairie Police Officers by displaying the decals and by donating to the Association or joining as friends.
More information about the assoication is available at
plprairiepoliceappreciation.org. There are a few free signs still available to the earliest subscribers.