To help deter impaired driving, the Pleasant Prairie Police Department will join law enforcement agencies across Wisconsin during the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” holiday campaign from December 14, 2018 through January 1, 2019.
“The goal of these comprehensive law enforcement efforts is to help make roadways safer for everyone by discouraging people from making the dangerous and irresponsible decision of getting behind the wheel impaired,” said Chief David Smetana.
Last year in Wisconsin, alcohol-related crashes resulted in 169 deaths and more than 3,300 injuries. While alcohol-impaired drivers remain a concern, a growing problem involves drugged driving - people whose ability to safely operate a motor vehicle is compromised by legal or illegal drugs including prescription and over-the-counter medications. To help combat impaired driving, Wisconsin has:
25 multi-jurisdictional high-visibility enforcement task forces operating throughout the year, across the state
About 3,800 police officers trained in Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE), enhancing efforts to detect and remove impaired drivers from the roadways
292 highly-trained Drug Recognition Experts - among the most in the nation
There are many ways that citizens can help:
Report impaired drivers to law enforcement by calling 911. Provide as much detail as possible on the driver, vehicle, and location;
If you plan to celebrate, identify a sober designated driver. Never allow someone else to get behind the wheel impaired;
Download the free “Drive Sober” mobile app from the
WisDOT website. The app includes a “find a ride” feature to help locate mass transit and taxi services;
Some taverns and restaurants have programs to provide patrons a safe ride home. Visit
www.tlw.org/ and click on Safe Ride; and
Make sure that everyone in your vehicle is buckled up – every trip. Watch your speed and eliminate distractions.
Chief David Smetana also stated, “To help ensure a safe, enjoyable holiday season, we need the cooperation of all motorists.”
To learn more information about this campaign, contact Sergeant Aaron Schaffer at 262.694.7353 or
[email protected].
Archived copies of this and other Pleasant Prairie Police Department news releases are available on the department’s website