On Tuesday, May 29, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission approved Site and Operational Plans for 196,300 square foot speculative industrial building and site improvements for the Parcel 32 Industrial Building. The request for the Site and Operational Plans was brought forth by Matthew Mano of Stephen Perry Smith Architects on behalf of Wangard Partners for the development of vacant properties located at the southeast corner of STH 165 and CTH H. The Plan Commission also sent a favorable recommendation to the Village Board for a Certified Survey Map at the request of Matt Carey P.E. of Pinnacle Engineering Group to combine the two properties into one parcel.
There are no identified users at this time to occupy the speculative building. The site can accommodate up to three tenants. The site is zoned M-2 as a General Manufacturing District. The M-2 district requires 25% of the site to be open green space. The plan includes 159 parking spaces, six of these being handicapped accessible spaces. There will be 20 dock locations at the initial build-out. There will be an access driveway on 88th Avenue for trucks and two access driveways on 86th Avenue which will be the primary entrances for cars.
The developer anticipates that the project will begin this summer with completion expected by the end of the year.