In an effort to help cover the cost of increasing expenses related to caring for stray animals in the community, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board approved an increase of $5.00 per dog license issued in the Village. Prior to the changes, dog-licensing rates in Pleasant Prairie were $10.00 per spayed or neutered dog and $15.00 per non-spayed or neutered dog. With the increase, the new rates will be $15.00 and $20.00 respectively.
“The Village’s stray animal cost has increased steady over the years to $22,715 in 2017,” commented Kathy Goessl, Finance Director for the Village. “In 2017, 611 dog licenses were issued. This increase will help cover some of the additional cost the Village is spending on stray animal care, but not in total.” A portion of the dog license fee is also paid to Kenosha County, $2.25 per spayed or neutered dog license and $7.25 per non-spayed or neutered dog.
The wording for the Pleasant Prairie Ordinance in line with wording in the state statute that requires that half price licenses be charged for licenses issued to dogs that become five months of age after July 1 will remain the same.
“The changes should help to better cover costs for stray animal care while helping to reduce the amount of general tax revenues being used to cover the expenses,” added Goessl. “We have also tried to keep the increase to a level that would not be an undue burden on dog owners in the Village.”