On Monday, May 7, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board considered a recommendation from the Plan Commission to approve both a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and a Master Conceptual Plan on behalf of Interstate Partners II–WI LLC for the development on 16.75 acres of vacant land located at the southeast corner of 116th Avenue and Corporate Drive for a mixed use development including apartments and potential restaurant and retail development. The developer is proposing this project as he feels there is a need for additional residential housing because of the newly announced economic development projects in Pleasant Prairie and the surrounding communities.
The petitioner requested an amendment to the Lakeview West Neighborhood Plan from the Freeway Office Commercial land use designation to High Density Residential. The developer presented two neighborhood plans for the area. One option is to develop the property into nine apartment buildings with a total of 213 units creating living space for up to 499 people. There would be three 33 unit buildings with one and two bedroom options and underground parking. There would also be six 19 unit buildings with one and two bedroom options and attached garages according to this plan. An alternative plan would be to create 284 units with living space for up to 665 people. On the property there would be a clubhouse building for guest access and the necessary parking spaces to accommodate the number of people living in the complex. The complex will be a gated community.
The commercial and retail uses were not discussed at this meeting. When tenants are identified, plans will be brought forth to the Plan Commission. The Village is requiring the petitioner to illustrate the potential land use for the property. Understanding the future development of driveways and roadways is critical due to the future LakeView West Roundabout project that could be constructed as early as 2020, because it could affect access.
The developer anticipates beginning site and excavation work for the apartment portion of the project this summer.
Agendas and related documents for the Village Board meetings are posted to pleasantprairiewi.gov.